Due Diligence
The Health and Safety Executive have recommended Companies carry out a Due Diligence on training providers who teach First Aid.
Quality Magangemnt Systems Of The First Aid Industry Body (FAIB) ISO 9001:2015. The Quality Management System of FAIB has achieved the ISO9001(2015) for the approval and Monitoring Training Providers and Training Assessors. Consequently it holds 3rd party Certification via a United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) Certification Body.
The First Aid Industry Body (FAIB) also provides due diligence on behalf of its Training Providers as agreed by Minister of State Mark Hoban M.P on July 1st 2013 so that employers can be assured of the competence of any FAIB Training Provider.
We confirm that we are fully compliant with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations1981 in respect of Due Diligence.
Langton (Medical Training) Ltd invites any of the companies and organisations it is privileged to train to inspect the qualifications of our Trainers, Assessors, Monitoring, Quality Assurance Systems, Syllabus, Content and Certification.
For organisations wishing to carry out a Due Diligence and fully inspect our systems and training facilities please contact our Quality and Compliance Manager on 01388 417303